Slide Organization Guide

This guide will explain how to properly prepare your slides to qualify for a 20% discount on your order.

To be eligible for the 20% discount you can do either of two things:

  1. Provide your slides in standard (8.75″ in diameter or 22cm) Kodak carousels with the slides oriented consistently.
  2. Bundle your slides together using rubber bands in groups of roughly 35 with all being oriented consistently.

Please note:

Discounts will not be given for any slides that are thicker than normal, on glass, warped, damaged or falling apart even if they fit in the carousel.

No correction of incorrectly oriented slides will be done for orders desiring the discount.

Only Kodak Carousels are accepted but we have a collection of carousels that can be borrowed for this purpose.

Option 1: Carousels

Slides must be seated in standard functional Kodak carousels. (They can have 80 or 140 slide capacity)

Image 1 – Example of a 140 slot Kodak carousel.

Insert with shiny side facing counter-clockwise and the less-shiny/dull (know as emulsion) side facing clockwise.

Usually the emulsion side is the same side as the brand logo. (This is the case for Kodak slides)

Image 2 – Shiny side facing counter-clockwise. (Tends to be the back side of the slide)
Image 3 – Emulsion side facing clockwise. (Tends to be the logo side of the slide)
Image 4 – Incorrect placement of a slide. (Emulsion side is facing counter-clockwise)

Place all sides with the image facing upright regardless of whether the photo was taken in portrait or landscape orientation.

The brand logo is often upside down if taken in landscape orientation. (This is the case for Kodak slides)

An example would be always have the sky or a ceiling on the top.

Image 5 – Correctly orientated slide. Portrait orientation. (Sky upward)
Image 6 – Correctly orientated slide. Landscape orientation (Sky upward)
Image 7 – Incorrectly orientated slide. Landscape orientation. (Sky facing left)

Place all the slides throughout the carousel without any gaps in slots until all the slides have been inserted.

It does not matter if the carousel is full or not but insure there is no spaces left open between slides.

Image 7 – Example of all slides placed with correct orientation and without any gaps between slides.

Option 2: Bundles

Bundle your slides in groups of roughly 35 slides with elastic bands. (It can be less than 35 but try not have more than that)

Place all slides with brand labels facing the same way and with all images upright. (See image 5 and 6 for the correct upright example)

Avoid bundling different brands of slides together unless you can ensure that the emulsion side of the slides are all facing the same way.

All slides are shinier on one side and that is the non-emulsion side.

Bundle different sized slides in different bundles. This is referring to both the size of the photo inside the slide and the size of the entire slide.

Please note: Discounts will not be given for any slides that are thicker than normal, on glass, warped, damaged or falling apart even if they fit in the carousel.